Saturday, April 21, 2007

Globa; Problem

First: The most useless thing in the world is; a 'blog'

A blog does nothing.

It gives you the illusion that you are a world renowned author, and millions of avid fans are hanging on your every words.

Blogs are a dime a million.

One million blogs are not worth ten cents.

The global problem is not global warming. The global problem is YOU: who are reading this 'blog'... YOU are the problem. EVERYONE is the problem.... There is no point in pointing fingers: when the entire human race is the problem

What is the global problem?...

I will try to address this by sneaking up on the answer... because if you are told the answer too bluntly and too honestly: you will shut off your computer and go hide in the closet.

For instance... I am Canadian. What is Canada doing cleaning up the shit left by Bush in Afghanistan?

Canada will never become a world military power, Canada will nver invade another Nation... so what is Canada doing cleaning up the shit the American Military left in Afghanistan? For world Prestige? The entire world now hates America because of Bush's wars against the poorest nations on Earth. Do we Canadians want to be hated by the entire world like they hate Bush?

I don't want to be hated. Canada has no business in Afghanistan. Cnada has no business trying to be a military bully. If Canada wanted to HELP these poor devastated countries that wre bombed to shit by American armed forces... then whhy doesn't Canada give humnitarian AID? Why not build the raods back up again? Why not re-install the power lines and power stations? Why not give them clean drinking water?

But NOOOOOOOO! The fucking asshole Canadian Prime Minister Harper: kisses America's ass and tries to APE what Bush is doing!

Hhe apparently does not care that BUSH is now hated by his own fellow Americans for getting them into the Iraq mess that now they can't get out of... EVERYBODY except maybe Cheney hates Bush now.... But Canada? Has to go posturing and strutting its international armed forces in the poorest nation on earth trying to kill some poor religious fanatics who are much better at killing Canadian soldiers than Canadian soldiers are at killing these poor sods...?

What for? To support US military policy?

Do Canadians protest this travesty? Do Canadian march on their own Parkliament? And demand that Canada remove its forces from Afghanistan?

NOOOOOO!! Canadians a re the worst fucking apathetic pieces of shit in the Western Hemisphere. I am ashamed to be a Canadian. Once I was slightly proud of being a Canadian... just because we were not as bad as the Americaans... But NOW??? Canadians are worse than the Americans . All Canadians do is suck on the social welfare dole and get a civil service job for life so they do not have to work or become competent in what they do.

I have lived in America and Canada and now I cannot say which one is worse, except that at least we did actually bomb the Mideast, and America did. Otherwise: there is not much difference, except that Canadian are destroying their own natural resources far faster than Americans are destroying theirs, and selling it all to America for a few fucking pennies which the American corporations drop into Canadian Politicians handout buckets come election time.

What does this have with the Global Problem?


If 25 million apathetic Canadian assholes can let their government become hated by the world for cleaning up after the American war machine: what chance is there any of them will lift a fucking finger about any other problem... when they will not even raise one finger to address their own fucking national problems we have at home?

If the entire armed forces of NATO and UN armed forces sit on their hands while 900,000 Rwandans are butchered... what makes you think any fucking governemt will get involved in a global problem that will take hard work and dedication and humanity to fix in someone else's country?

If the Australian Government can pretend for twenty fucking years: that there is no such thing as an ozone hole in the southern Hemisphere that has turned Australia's beaches in death traps and cancer wards... and forced the entire fucking nation to live indoors, in a tropical paradise which they now cannot enjoy anymore... What makes you think that the Kyoto accord will be enforced by those who signed it?

What gets me about all of these namby pamby, goody two-shoe, pathetic innocent naivete, and blindness 'SVAE THE WORLD!" organizations: is that they IGNORE the actual truth about the situation. they are not realistic. They do not face the facts. Hell, they don't even look at the facts... they don't even bring up the facts... they don't even come loces to the facts... they don't even come within one thousand miles of the facts.

You want to stop global warming? Then stop cutting down trees. But darn... now you have your own personal printer... which is a totally new way to destroy paper and waste it. bBefore you were born if you wanted to print sometghing you went to a professional printer, and he did it right the first time. Now?..... OOPS! OOOPS! Darn.... two hundreds sheets of paper wasted because of a mistake... darn... but who cares? Paper is cheap! right?

A totally new paper industry, that uses hundreds of times more paper than your parents generation ever used.... So if you want to save the earth... throw away your personal printers... Since that is the MAIN consumer market that is sucking up all the paper on earth and destroying all the forests... But darn... that is too fucking inconvenient for you PERSONALLY:

So just point the finger at the logging companies... or the oil corporations who are behind Bush's military plicy in the Mideast.... (World oil is the main power chip of REALPOLITIK today.)


But darn... you drive a car, you fly on airplanes that guzzle five times more gas per pqassenger than if you DROVE there in your own fucking car.... So darn... cars and airplanes are just too inconvenient to give up for a piddly little problem like 'global warming'...

You just don't fucking get it.

The entire fucking approach to global warming is total fucking BULLSHIT.

Every fucking environmentalist, every fucking scientist... is trying to figure out ...

'Hmmmm... if 7 billion people use slightly less fossil fuels.... nope darn... there will soon be 12 million on the planet, and that will cancel out any...

Hmmmm.... if 7 bnillion people just reduce their population to 5 billion.... darn: who wants to teach African bushmen not to fuck their ten wives when it has been ther fucking privilege to do so for 'lo these many hundreds of thousands of years'?

Darn.... if we only can 'tweak' the present culture of consumerism and stop allowing India to let hundreds of millions of cows shit in their city streets...

But darn... worshipping cows is thousands of years old in India... dasn't touch THAT sacred cow! They will have a revolution and put a cow into power as their leader!

You don't get it yet....

Every fucking bastard on earth is trying to get out of doing ANYTHING to fix ANY problem... never mind global warming. If your children are too fucking lazy to to their own fucking homework... without cheating on tests and going on th internet to ask others about what they should be reading and learning about themselves... what makes you think they will grow up to became active and passionate or educated about anything, eh?

The problem is not global warming... the problem is YOU...

the problem is US... it is ALL OF US.

NONE OF YOU want to lift a fucking finger to help ANYONE except yourselves.... PERIOD: END OF STORY

The global CULTURE of personal selfishness

Which is the global culture of YOU going to a STORE to buy shit to stuff into your mouth, while billions of other humans starve, IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE by you pointing your fucking finger at anybody else but YOURSELF

and that NOBODY wants to do.

You want to keep your fucking computer? your monitor? your fucking printer?

You want to go to the store and buy aftershave, toothpaste, dish liquid?

You have just joined the ranks of those most guilty of destroying the earth by PAYING THEM MONEY to do it for you...

You can pretend that YOU are not doing it.... YOU are not cutting the Amazon rainforest down... you are just buying brazilian beef! But since there is no listing on what country the beef you buy comes from... hey! You can remain comfortably IGNORANT! of how guilty you are of PERSONALLY: destroying the earth by how you live your wasteful useless pointless consumer existence...

You don't have to worry about the coming shortage of drinking water all over the world... because YOUR generation will have destroyed and poisoned and polluted and hogged all the fresh water in the world! YOUR generation has just about fininshed fishing the oceans of the world EMPTY of fish! Which, er... nobody wnts to talk about as you go to your fucking chic restaurant and order lobster or shrimp, and bullshit about 'global warming'....

So after you are dead... you will hand the world over to 12 billion new humans who did not ask to live in the shit sty you left for them....

But this won't stop THEM from leaving the world an even WORSE condition to SIXTEEN billion new humans...



The problem is not 'global warming' you dumb fuck: it is YOU your fucking STUPIDITY in buying something at a store and letting the clerk put what you buy into a plastic bag... which YOU THROW AWAY the second you get to your house.

The problem is YOU not getting a reusable bag for ALL your shopping.

The problem is your persoanl consumer lifestyle which YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE.

The problen is THE HUMAN SPECIES


the problem is HUMAN CORRUPTION

The problem is HUMAN HATE

the problem is there is NO LOVE in the hearts of 7 billion humans for each other... NEVER MIND LOVE FOR THE EARTH!

You cannot expect people who LIVE by selfishness to suddenly change their ways

You cannot expect people who know nothing about love, and only know hatred envy and snobbery and greed and selfishness to suddenly change their fucking ways...

Are YOU going to get off your fucking ass and do something about this problem?


Which is why I DESPISE any asshole who reads this blog: because blogs are a bunch of SHIT

They are EXCUSES... so you can spend the rest of your fucking life sitting on your fucking ass going

'tsk tsk... that was not polite!'

On your computer, while the earth is dying all around you BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU EAT DRINK WEAR, DRIVE LIVE IN and DO... And BUY....

The earth is dying because 7 billion fucking human assholes are doing NOTHING about it...

You think your fucking 'blog' will get up a rally other people to your fucking cause?

If you REALLY wanted to rally people together... you would FIRST HAVE TO TREAR THEM AWAY FROM THEIR FUCKING COMPUTERS... which theey love MORE than they do human beings...

Do you think if you knock on someone's door that you will be able to tear them away from their fucking computer? THEY WILL CALL THE POLICE AND HAVE YOU JAILED!!!

You are encroaching on their fucking sacred personal RIGHTS!!!

How DARE you interrupt them while they are busy pleasing themselves?

You expect THIS fucking generation to DO anything about 'global warming'????

BULL FUCKING SHIT. They care more about thier fucking toothpaste than they care about the earth.

That is what I say.

Until you get off you ASS amd meet peope IN PERSON! You will never amount to ANYTHING except to become a fucking BLOCKHEAD writing BLOGS.

you can write all the fucking blogs you want to...


Christina said...

You know,

Keesu was a great cat, and this vitriol really insults her memory.

plus ca change...

mik said...

I really want to learn this stuff, but it's too difficult to read your blog as I hate reading all the swear words-to me, they don't accomplish anything but offend me and turn me away from your writings.
try rewriting it, leaving out the swear words.thanks.